EPS Worldwide Integrated Logistics Private Limited
EPS Worldwide Integrated Logistics Private Limited
Andheri East, Mumbai, Maharashtra
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Courier Service

Prominent & Leading Service Provider from Mumbai, we offer next day courier delivery service, local courier service, domestic courier service, door to door courier delivery service, international courier service and cargo courier service.

Next Day Courier Delivery Service

Next Day Courier Delivery Service
  • Next Day Courier Delivery Service
  • Next Day Courier Delivery Service
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Service Details:

Mode Of TransportRailways
Same Day DeliveryYes
LocationPan India
Payment ModeOnline And Offline
Service TypeNext Day Courier Delivery Service

Owing to the wide experience in this domain, we are instrumental in providing Next Day Courier Delivery Service.
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Local Courier Service

Local Courier Service
  • Local Courier Service
  • Local Courier Service
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Service Details:

Product TypeDocumented
Mode Of TransportRoadways
Location/CityPan India
Payment ModeOnline And Offline
Service TypeLocal Courier Service

Banking on the skills of our qualified team of professionals, we are involved in providing Local Courier Service.
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Domestic Courier Service

Domestic Courier Service
  • Domestic Courier Service
  • Domestic Courier Service
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Service Details:

Product TypeDocumented
Same Day DeliveryYes
LocationPan India
Payment ModeOnline And Offline
Service TypeDomestic Courier Service

We are offering Domestic Courier Service to our clients. A successful supply chain company is characterized by how well the firm manages the logistics. The factors that make the organization successful are: well-organized and well-planned logistics. We believe that no matter how good the product is, it is a business failure unless the product reaches the clients on time, no matter what. We always ensure timely deliverance to gain the trust of our clients. At EPS, we appreciate how important it is for consumers to access goods on scheduled time. We also deal with urgent distribution demands regularly to ensure reliable and timely delivery to our clients. Our client's products are our responsibility, and we ensure the safe distribution of the product to the destination. Fast distribution is one of the most coveted aspects of our company. Domestic delivery service that has made available all imaginable forms, including air, surface and rail. Let's have a look at some of our exciting domestic services offered to our clients.
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Door To Door Courier Delivery Service

Door To Door Courier Delivery Service
  • Door To Door Courier Delivery Service
  • Door To Door Courier Delivery Service
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Service Details:

Product TypeDocumented
Mode Of TransportRoadways
Door To Door ServiceYes
LocationPan India
Payment ModeOnline And Offline
Service TypeDoor To Door Courier Delivery Service

In addition to our above services, a timely door-to-door distribution by us is our responsibility, which we have never overlooked, be it domestic or international delivery. Our priority is to give time-critical entities a strategic advantage for the quickest delivery of services. We are offering Door To Door Courier Delivery Service to our clients.

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International Courier Service

International Courier Service
  • International Courier Service
  • International Courier Service
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Service Details:

Product TypeDocumented
Mode Of TransportAirways
Door To Door ServiceYes
LocationOn Site
Payment ModeOnline And Offline
Service TypeInternational Courier Service

We are recognized by the clients for providing International Courier Service.
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Cargo Courier Service

Cargo Courier Service
  • Cargo Courier Service
  • Cargo Courier Service
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Service Details:

LocationPan India
Payment ModeOnline And Offline
Service ModeOffline
Service TypeCargo Courier Service

We are offering Cargo Courier Service to our clients. The delivery of the product to the right destination is significant. At the same time, shipping the product without any damage is equally critical. This undamaged delivery to the correct destination can be achieved through the proper packaging of the product. Packaging in our establishment process is carried out so that the transfer of products between arriving, transportation, processing, and exiting transshipment ought to be versatile and simple, not obstructing the content along the logistic route. Our proper packaging process assures that the substantive commodity is: in the right state, in the correct position, in the appropriate place at an economical price by practicing it in our correct way. Another specialty of ours is that we charge a very nominal value in return for the quality of the packaging service we offer. The packaging is very reasonable for both domestic and foreign delivery services for the products. The holistic view emphasizes the need to manage trade-offs related to numerous packaging requirements to maximize packaging performance. A cohesive view of packaging in any enterprise plays a critical role in any logistics brand. Scheme borders comprise the whole supply chain, allowing cost-efficiency through increased logistics, transport efficiency and minimized commodity waste. Since size and weight are the primary concerns of logistics managers, it is necessary to produce compact but adequate packaging to protect the final product. On the other hand, the packaging must be light so that the shipping of the goods will be as short as possible. As packaging services, we create packaging options for lightweight materials as well as to pack bulky goods such as electrical equipment and even delicate products such as cans, glass etc. Moreover, we also have the option to carry small objects such as bottles, beauty products, etc. with utmost ease and safety.

Some of the most prominent benefits of packaging services include:
  • The products are protected, thereby eliminating significant difficulties
  • Ensures easy delivery of different kind of materials
  • Increase sales figures of the businesses owing to the packaging process
  • Suitable packaging service no matter the size or type of the product
  • Ensures detailed handling without any damage to the product.
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Air Courier Service

Air Courier Service
  • Air Courier Service
  • Air Courier Service
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Service Details:

Mode Of TransportAirways
Door To Door ServiceYes
LocationOn Site
Payment ModeOnline And Offline
Service TypeAir Courier Service

Air Courier Service is provided by us to patrons according to their requirements.
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Courier Service

Courier Service
  • Courier Service
  • Courier Service
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Service Details:

Pickup LocationsMumbai
Drop LocationsPAN India
Minimum Shipment Weight500 Gm
Delivery PartnersBluedart, FedEx, DTDC, Gati
Product TypeNon-Documented, Documented
Mode Of TransportRoadways

In addition to our above services, a timely door-to-door distribution by us is our responsibility, which we have never overlooked, be it domestic or international delivery. Our priority is to give time-critical entities a strategic advantage for the quickest delivery of services. We are offering Door To Door Courier Delivery Service to our clients.
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Reach Us
Dilip Sahu (MD)
EPS Worldwide Integrated Logistics Private Limited
Unit No 186, Solaris -1,, Saki-vihar Road , Andheri East
Mumbai - 400072, Maharashtra, India
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